#becomingeducational W5: look – see

This week, W5, Study Week, we asked you to explore the University as a representation of learning, teaching and assessment – and as a site or sites of learning.

We wanted you to develop your ability to observe – to really look and see what might be happening somewhere – and perhaps see it as if for the first time. Real ‘seeing’ allows us to bring fresh eyes to things that we may have previously taken for granted. Our new sight can give us fresh insight. This is a great tool for a researcher – and perhaps is especially essential for the education researcher: after all, we’ve all been through school; we all ‘know’ what education, teaching and learning are all about – don’t we?

Well – perhaps we don’t.

After all we enter schooling very young – and the schooling we get shapes our experience and our understanding of what schooling is – can – and should – be. However, as we become educationalists, perhaps we need to see what education actually *is* – socially, politically and, yes, economically. Perhaps we need to really see what it is and what effect it is having – and keep asking, who and what is education for? Whose interests are served when education takes place like this? Could it be different? Could it be better? What would ‘better’ look like?

Participant Observation

We asked you to really look – to see – to observe – and to start to analyse. You were acting like anthropologists studying a new culture – and we are looking forward to your findings. We mentioned ‘participant observation’ – this is where somebody who is participating in an experience also tries to observe it. So as University students looking at University learning and teaching spaces – you were participant observers. On the other hand, you were not participating in the group discussions or the corridor or canteen discussions that you were observing. In preparation for your research project you might like to adopt the stance of a participant observer in your lectures and seminars, in your own study groups, in your peer mentoring encounters. As you do this you might start to see what works well in promoting student learning – and perhaps what works not so well. This might inspire you and help you to choose a research focus in which you are really interested.

(For your research project we will ask you to investigate an aspect of University teaching and learning in more detail. After being a student for some time, you might find that you might want to explore particular practices like reading and notemaking or group work or attitudes to assessment or writing. You might come up with a completely different idea. We will be preparing for this together in class – and the proposal is not due till W19 – but keep your eyes open now!)

Participant Observation in a School

Here is an account of how a study support teacher prepared for her job by becoming a participant observer in her school.

Teachers Shadowing Students:

What I Learned By Doing What I Ask Students To Do

Re-blogged from: http://www.teachthought.com/teaching/teachers-shadowing-students/

by Grant WigginsAuthentic Education

The following account comes from a veteran HS teacher who just became a Coach in her building. Because her experience is so vivid and sobering I have kept her identity anonymous. But nothing she describes is any different than my own experience in sitting in HS classes for long periods of time. And this report of course accords fully with the results of our student surveys. 

She wrote:

I have made a terrible mistake.

I waited fourteen years to do something that I should have done my first year of teaching: shadow a student for a day. It was so eye-opening that I wish I could go back to every class of students I ever had right now and change a minimum of ten things – the layout, the lesson plan, the checks for understanding. Most of it!

This is the first year I am working in a school but not teaching my own classes; I am the High School Learning Coach, a new position for the school this year. My job is to work with teachers and admins. to improve student learning outcomes.

As part of getting my feet wet, my principal suggested I “be” a student for two days: I was to shadow and complete all the work of a 10th grade student on one day and to do the same for a 12th grade student on another day. My task was to do everything the student was supposed to do: if there was lecture or notes on the board, I copied them as fast I could into my notebook. If there was a Chemistry lab, I did it with my host student. If there was a test, I took it (I passed the Spanish one, but I am certain I failed the business one).

Teachers Shadowing Students: My Class Schedules For The Day
(Note: we have a block schedule; not all classes meet each day):

The schedule that day for the 10th grade student:

7:45 – 9:15: Geometry

9:30 – 10:55: Spanish II

10:55 – 11:40: Lunch

11:45 – 1:10: World History

1:25 – 2:45: Integrated Science

The schedule that day for the 12th grade student:

7:45 – 9:15: Math

9:30 – 10:55: Chemistry

10:55 – 11:40: Lunch

11:45 – 1:10: English

1:25 – 2:45: Business

Shadowing My Students: Key Takeaway #1

Students sit all day, and sitting is exhausting.

I could not believe how tired I was after the first day. I literally sat down the entire day, except for walking to and from classes. We forget as teachers, because we are on our feet a lot – in front of the board, pacing as we speak, circling around the room to check on student work, sitting, standing, kneeling down to chat with a student as she works through a difficult problem…we move a lot.

But students move almost never. And never is exhausting. In every class for four long blocks, the expectation was for us to come in, take our seats, and sit down for the duration of the time. By the end of the day, I could not stop yawning and I was desperate to move or stretch. I couldn’t believe how alert my host student was, because it took a lot of conscious effort for me not to get up and start doing jumping jacks in the middle of Science just to keep my mind and body from slipping into oblivion after so many hours of sitting passively.

I was drained, and not in a good, long, productive-day kind of way. No, it was that icky, lethargic tired feeling. I had planned to go back to my office and jot down some initial notes on the day, but I was so drained I couldn’t do anything that involved mental effort (so instead I watched TV) and I was in bed by 8:30.

If I could go back and change my classes now, I would immediately change the following three things:

  • mandatory stretch halfway through the class
  • put a Nerf basketball hoop on the back of my door and encourage kids to play in the first and final minutes of class
  • build in a hands-on, move-around activity into every single class day. Yes, we would sacrifice some content to do this – that’s fine. I was so tired by the end of the day, I wasn’t absorbing most of the content, so I am not sure my previous method of making kids sit through hour-long, sit-down discussions of the texts was all that effective.

Shadowing My Students: Key Takeaway #2

High School students are sitting passively and listening during approximately 90% of their classes.

Obviously I was only shadowing for two days, but in follow-up interviews with both of my host students, they assured me that the classes I experienced were fairly typical.

In eight periods of high school classes, my host students rarely spoke. Sometimes it was because the teacher was lecturing; sometimes it was because another student was presenting; sometimes it was because another student was called to the board to solve a difficult equation; and sometimes it was because the period was spent taking a test. So, I don’t mean to imply critically that only the teachers droned on while students just sat and took notes. But still, hand in hand with takeaway #1 is this idea that most of the students’ day was spent passively absorbing information.

It was not just the sitting that was draining but that so much of the day was spent absorbing information but not often grappling with it.

I asked my tenth-grade host, Cindy, if she felt like she made important contributions to class or if, when she was absent, the class missed out on the benefit of her knowledge or contributions, and she laughed and said no.

I was struck by this takeaway in particular because it made me realize how little autonomy students have, how little of their learning they are directing or choosing. I felt especially bad about opportunities I had missed in the past in this regard. If I could go back and change my classes now, I would immediately:

  • Offer brief, blitzkrieg-like mini-lessons with engaging, assessment-for-learning-type activities following directly on their heels (e.g. a ten-minute lecture on Whitman’s life and poetry, followed by small-group work in which teams scour new poems of his for the very themes and notions expressed in the lecture, and then share out or perform some of them to the whole group while everyone takes notes on the findings.)
  • Set an egg timer every time I get up to talk and all eyes are on me. When the timer goes off, I am done. End of story. I can go on and on. I love to hear myself talk. I often cannot shut up. This is not really conducive to my students’ learning, however much I might enjoy it.
  • Ask every class to start with students’ Essential Questions or just general questions born of confusion from the previous night’s reading or the previous class’s discussion. I would ask them to come in to class and write them all on the board, and then, as a group, ask them to choose which one we start with and which ones need to be addressed. This is my biggest regret right now – not starting every class this way. I am imagining all the misunderstandings, the engagement, the enthusiasm, the collaborative skills, and the autonomy we missed out on because I didn’t begin every class with fifteen or twenty minutes of this.

Shadowing My Students: Key takeaway #3

You feel a little bit like a nuisance all day long.

I lost count of how many times we were told be quiet and pay attention. It’s normal to do so – teachers have a set amount of time and we need to use it wisely. But in shadowing, throughout the day, you start to feel sorry for the students who are told over and over again to pay attention because you understand part of what they are reacting to is sitting and listening all day. It’s really hard to do, and not something we ask adults to do day in and out.

Think back to a multi-day conference or long PD day you had and remember that feeling by the end of the day – that need to just disconnect, break free, go for a run, chat with a friend, or surf the web and catch up on emails. That is how students often feel in our classes, not because we are boring per se but because they have been sitting and listening most of the day already. They have had enough.

In addition, there was a good deal of sarcasm and snark directed at students and I recognized, uncomfortably, how much I myself have engaged in this kind of communication. I would become near apoplectic last year whenever a very challenging class of mine would take a test, and without fail, several students in a row would ask the same question about the test. Each time I would stop the class and address it so everyone could hear it.

Nevertheless, a few minutes later a student who had clearly been working his way through the test and not attentive to my announcement would ask the same question again. A few students would laugh along as I made a big show of rolling my eyes and drily stating, “OK, once again, let me explain…”

Of course it feels ridiculous to have to explain the same thing five times, but suddenly, when I was the one taking the tests, I was stressed. I was anxious. I had questions. And if the person teaching answered those questions by rolling their eyes at me, I would never want to ask another question again. I feel a great deal more empathy for students after shadowing, and I realize that sarcasm, impatience, and annoyance are a way of creating a barrier between me and them. They do not help learning.

If I could go back and change my classes now, I would immediately:

  • Dig deep into my personal experience as a parent where I found wells of patience and love I never knew I have, and call upon them more often when dealing with students who have questions. Questions are an invitation to know a student better and create a bond with that student. We can open the door wider or shut if forever, and we may not even realize we have shut it.
  • I would make my personal goal of “no sarcasm” public and ask the students to hold me accountable for it. I could drop money into a jar for each slip and use it to treat the kids to pizza at the end of the year. In this way, I have both helped create a closer bond with them and shared a very real and personal example of goal-setting for them to use a model in their own thinking about goals.
  • I would structure every test or formal activity like the IB exams do – a five-minute reading period in which students can ask all their questions but no one can write until the reading period is finished. This is a simple solution I probably should have tried years ago that would head off a lot (thought, admittedly, not all) of the frustration I felt with constant, repetitive questions.


I have a lot more respect and empathy for students after just one day of being one again.

Teachers work hard, but I now think that conscientious students work harder. I worry about the messages we send them as they go to our classes and home to do our assigned work, and my hope is that more teachers who are able will try this shadowing and share their findings with each other and their administrations. This could lead to better “backwards design” from the student experience so that we have more engaged, alert, and balanced students sitting (or standing) in our classes.

Those interested in learning more about shadowing and/or using our surveys for free, contact me; This article first appeared on Grant’s personal blog; Grant can be found on twitter here; adapted image attribution flickr user flickreringbrad; Teachers Shadowing Students: What I Learned By Doing What I Ask Students To Do

———– Ends—————–

And Finally: Passion Based Learning – and your projects

There are several projects on this course: reading record; develop a digital me; research project (how can we improve learning?); final Performance…

How are you going to choose what to do? How are you going to motivate yourself to put some work in?

Try Passion Based Learning!!

What brings you joy? What breaks your heart? How can you use this to design your projects? Check out this video on Passion Based Learning in the school sector: http://youtu.be/6kgdHp5amUM – and think how you can use your passions here and now.

#becomingeducational W4: Feel the fear – and do it anyway

It’s a bit weird when you envy post-apocalypse survivors struggling to re-build their world!

Emerging from those bunkers all those people know that they are valuable, needed, necessary. They are part of the world – they are vital to making the world.
Compare that the thoughts and feelings of those living where work is scarce – but blame is high; where the mines, the factories and the fishing industries have all closed down.
Where the only representation you see of ‘people like you’ are on ‘Benefits Street’?

The only way is ethics
This week we looked at self-efficacy and ethical teaching (try saying that when you are tired!). That is – to be ethical teachers we need to build the self-confidence, the self-esteem and the self-valuing of our students (the self-efficacy). We need to help them find voice and power in a world where typically the odds are stacked against them.
According to Bandura self-efficacy is vital to successful learning (http://psychology.about.com/od/theoriesofpersonality/a/self_efficacy.htm) – and according to Tom – many of our school experiences seem designed to knock the efficacy right out of us!
Wonder why?
Our discussion point was to consider how we might build self-efficacy in our imaginary post-apocalypse communities – and in our real schools.
One tip was to look at programmes like ‘Strictly Come Dancing’, ‘Master Chef’, ‘The Voice, ‘The Choir’: how do they teach? How and why do their ‘students’ learn? What can we take from that into our own practice?
And if you have any doubts as to why this is really, really important – check out this brief feedback from the South Oxhey community on what it felt like to have, to be in and to listen to their own choir: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p004htz2
For us, this is what all teaching should be about – and if it isn’t about that – then *why* is it?

Following on from this discussion, we carried on textmapping the two articles:
Giroux’s article on lessons to be learned from Freire:
And Thornburg on metaphors of learning spaces: http://tcpd.org/Thornburg/Handouts/Campfires.pdf
… making collages out of the information… to build on and use in our Poster Presentations.

Why collages?
According to our good friend Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collage)
• Is … an assemblage of different forms, thus creating a new whole.
• newspaper clippings, ribbons, coloured or handmade papers, bits of other artwork or texts, photographs and other found objects, glued to a piece of paper or canvas.
• Goes back hundreds of years … but
• Made a dramatic reappearance in the early 20th century.
• Derives from the French “coller” meaning “glue”.[1] viz. Georges Braque andPablo Picasso
• = modern art.[2]

And according to us – collage is a great way for translating meaning from one mode (written) to another (visual) – which in the process requires thought, analysis and understanding. This ‘transliteration’ requires communicating in analogous forms – which is great for notemaking, learning, presenting and developing multimedia: it is a great preparation for the Poster Presentations we will be delivering in W7 – and for the Digital Projects you are embarking upon.

Sandra’s recent collages can be seen here:

Peer Mentoring – getting digitally savvy
It’s never too soon to think about the Develop a Digital Me project – that you can set yourself – that you can do along with the Peer Mentors – and that you all will be presenting on in W12. Some tips from us:
• Explore http://ds106.us/
• Extend yourself with https://www.coursera.org/courses
• Use Zeega.com to make a great artefact – check out Terry Elliot’s one on learning: http://zeega.com/162387
• Produce a student guide on how to search the Web for information or how to use a blog as part of your reflective learning
• Set up a FaceBook study group/use FaceBook as a Reading Dossier – and tell others how…
• Find educationalists on Twitter – follow their posts – read their websites – help other students to do the same

And finally: W5: Study Week – research the University
As exploratory field work for your Research Project, singly, in pairs or in small groups – explore the University as ‘participant observers’ (look this phrase up and think about it) – for Poster Presentation W7 … AND Sandra and Tom will be happy to have a chat about anything at all – in Enricos – between 11.00-13.00, Wednesday 29th October. Be there or be square!

#becomingeducational W3: World building

So – the apocalypse is over – we struggle out of our bunkers into the forlorn landscape. All is dust, rubble, destruction – but WE – THE EDUCATIONALISTS – YAY – have been tasked with world building:
• What world would you build?
• How do you ensure everybody is housed, in good health and well fed?
• How will your world run?
• How will you educate people?

The phoenix will rise from the ashes
… but better – fairer – kinder – wiser!
So this week we re-built the world: year zero; year five; and year 10. A Panel was formed – pitches were made – and whole new civilisations rose up.
The conversations were engaged – the pitches were great – and the ‘takeaway questions’ may stay with us for quite some time:
• What is the purpose of an Education System for a society?
• What is the purpose of an Education System for an individual?
• Whose interests do you think an Education System has to serve?
• What education system or strategy would you put in place – and why?
• If you had to sum up the ethos or values embraced by your perfect education strategy – what would they be?
Slide 5

Learning Spaces – Academic Reading – Textmapping
We moved on to collectively read two texts designed to inform our thinking about education: Giroux’s article on lessons to be learned from Freire:
And Thornburg on metaphors of learning spaces: http://tcpd.org/Thornburg/Handouts/Campfires.pdf

Academic Reading
In groups, we were asked to read our text and highlight useful information: headings and sub-headings, key terms or phrases, emphasised information, research evidence… (and/or to ‘black out’ or redact that which was not useful)… and to think about the texts in relation to becoming an educationalist – our research projects (that will look into what helps or hinders learning) – and our W5 exploration of the University.

What is Textmapping?
Textmapping (http://www.textmapping.org/index.html ) is an active reading strategy that involves using a text that has been turned into an A3 scroll. As a group, readers collectively mark up the text to show structure, content & relevance to their assignment.

There was way too much discussion and engagement for all this to finish this week – so Tom asked each group’s archivist to take the scroll – and be ready to finish this next week!! Meanwhile – what did you learn about academic reading, notemaking from reading – and using reading to progress your thinking about your assignment from this activity? Make brief notes to remind yourself.

Peer Mentors a Go Go
Finally – after yet another crazy busy morning – it was off to the cool calm of the Peer Mentors: an opportunity to finish creating and customising those blogs – and to get writing. Tip: Once the blogging starts – the separate paper versions of the Logs can stop. SO – HANDING IN LOGS can happen by sending an email with the link to the blogpost that you definitely want us to read!!

We have created a space to calm down and catch up!!
In Study Week (W5) – we want you to explore the University as a site or sites of learning – ready for a Poster Presentation in W7… So – on THAT Wednesday, W5, 29th October – FROM 11.00 WE WILL BE IN ENRICOS – MAIN BUILDING – NEAR THE ROCKET –FOR COFFEE – LUNCH – AND CHATS.
So if you are suddenly concerned about your log or blog – your digital project – your research project – or the end of year performance… pop in and SAY hello. Pop in even if you are not concerned about anything at all – it will be nice to see you!!

Meanwhile – check out #becomingeducational W1 – which outlines the tasks and projects for the module – including *all* the assessed tasks: https://becomingeducational.wordpress.com/2014/10/03/becomingeducational-1/

Some follow up?
Blogging: http://ds106.us/handbook/blogging/
Info-Ed: dialogue, praxis and education: http://infed.org/mobi/paulo-freire-dialogue-praxis-and-education/
Summerhill – experiments in emancipatory education: http://www.summerhillschool.co.uk/

#becomingeducational W2: Simulations and role plays

This week – the apocalypse happened! But why?
Learning is, intellectual and cognitive – learning is also embodied and emotional. Arguably, successful learning is active whole body learning. To facilitate whole body learning, we have devised some simulations and role plays designed to get people learning with heart, mind and body.

Simulations and role plays have multiple purposes:
*Excellent for getting students speaking with each other – starts to break down isolation and helps promote bonding
*Reassures students that they are not alone in fears, struggles and general feelings of being lost
*Emphasises role of discussion in active learning
*Improves the class atmosphere when we have bonded as a group of real people
*Promotes critical and analytical thinking – and the ability to construct evidenced arguments.

1: Simulation#1: The apocalypse is here: who will you keep in your bunker & why?
This exercise is a great ice breaker – it helps us to speak with each other and to start to realise that the other people on the course are also human beings – just like us! The whole scenario is at the end of this blogpost in case you want to use it for yourself.

Featured Image -- 178

It was interesting seeing the choices the different groups made as to who to save and who to sacrifice… and to hear from the group that decided to sacrifice no one – arguing that no one had the right to sentence another to die.

2: Topic Mediated Dialogue (TMD)
After the in-depth de-brief on the apocalypse scenario – we had TMD – where discussion was seeded by three polemical statements about education… and after which each person had to represent their partner’s beliefs in a diagram or drawing.

… And finally – Tom used the Visualiser to show some of the representations that people had made following the discussion – and compared them to some of the self-representations that students had brought in. It would be really useful if you upload pictures of your self-representation and your discussion partner’s representation of you to your blog. If you cannot do this because you have already handed-in your self-portrait – please come to the office (LC-213) and photograph yourself!!

3: Meeting the Peer Mentors
After a really busy and quite tiring morning – we all popped off to the ICT suites to meet the Peer Mentors (PM). Mostly there were 2-3 PM with about ten #becomingeducationalists… and the first session seemed to go okay…

The final World War has erupted and you and nine other people find yourselves to be alone together in a Nuclear Bunker. You are probably the last people left on earth. There are some resources in the bunker – but not enough for all of you to survive for a long time. If all of you stay, then you will all live only for a maximum of two years. If three of you wish to survive for many years, seven of you will have to leave soon because there are not enough resources for all of you to survive.

In your bunker, you have the following facilities:
• sewage system
• water
• seeds
• some clothes
• a few books
• some medical facilities but no operating material
• a greenhouse.

In the bunker, the following roles will be played out. Each person in the group of ten will play one of the following roles.
a. Gay scientist
b. Buddhist priest
c. Married couple who are ‘green’ but childless (one person = couple)
d. Single pregnant woman with a five year old girl
e. Army officer who has mental instability but is useful nonetheless
f. Elderly woman
g. Disabled man
h. Bisexual lawyer
i. Person who has been long term unemployed
j. Atheist doctor.

In your group of ten, each of you has a chance to speak. You must present your case. Explain why you think you should live. Argue for your life unless you really want to sacrifice yourself for others. Listen to others arguments as well.

You have 20-30 minutes as a group, to:
• allow each person to speak
• decide whether some will leave and the others stay
• decide who will leave and who will stay
• make notes.

Make notes as to why you saved or sacrificed the following:

Explain why you feel your choices were made.
What influenced your decision?
What does this tell you about your own values and beliefs?
How might this affect you as a professional Educationalist?
Did anyone emerge as a leader? Why? Why not?
How did this influence the choices?
What is better – Leaders or Managers?

#becomingeducational 1

Well – that’s Week One (W1) over – what do you think of it so far?

Hopefully there was a WELCOME – and some adventure – a little bit of fear? Well, we are becoming educationalists!

Talk to the Object

To get the ball rolling, the group produced 20 questions to ask Tom, the Module Leader (who bravely acted as today’s ‘object’).

The questions were great – ranging from ‘How will we be assessed… and how many assessments are there on the course?’ through ‘What is a workshop… what is the ‘inquiry’ part of the course – is the course more practical or more theory based?’ … ‘What is an educationalist – how is an educationalist different from a teacher’ … ‘What’s more important – the government or the student?’ … ‘Why study education… and can an educationalist change society?’ (Yes we can!) and ‘What is a peer mentor?’ (Check out Sameera’s blog for an idea: http://themetrogirl.wordpress.com/2014/10/02/peer-mentoring-in-practice-ss5073-week-1/)

By the end of the morning – and through the magic discussion – we’d covered the course, its design, the assessments, some hopes and fears … (Um… we’re going to have to do a PERFORMANCE?!?! You cannot be serious?) – and Tom doled out packets of porridge. (We said there’d be prizes!) Here’s a quick breakdown of the Projects and the Assessments:


Reading – Make it fun

Yes – you are expected to read – a lot… And you will probably resist!! BUT – you will find articles that actually move you – that will influence the sort of teacher you will be… Record your reading in a Dossier – as a Subject Dictionary – and as Comics. Make it relevant – and make it memorable.

Writing – Blog it!!

Everybody worries about academic writing – not just you!! Writing regularly about your learning develops confidence – improves your understanding – and GRADES! So – set up a blog – and write briefly but powerfully about what we do each week – check out:

WordPress: https://wordpress.com/

Weebly: www.weebly.com/


Develop a Digital Me

The world is digital – we are studying and teaching in the digi-verse. We want you to set yourself a digital challenge – and tell us about it (Presentations W12!) – some tips:

  • Find the Digital Storytelling website http://ds106.us/ with a view to producing creative digital resources based on your Research Project. Get started here: http://ds106.us/handbook/ or via the quickstart link: http://ds106.us/handbook/success-the-ds106-way/quick-start/
  • Use #ds106 ‘Daily Create’ challenges to develop creative and technical skills – Explore #ds106 assignments – find one that would make a great project – do it!
  • Use Zeega.com to make a great artefact – check out Terry Elliot’s one on learning: http://zeega.com/162387
  • Do a free MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). There are free MOOCs on everything from Quantum physics to Song writing – usually from four to six weeks long. Find a MOOC – do it – reflect on it. Tip: Check out https://www.coursera.org/courses
  • Check out: Five Habits of Highly Creative Teachers – FREE – STARTING NOW: http://t.co/8LdIwN5gIN
  • Produce a student guide on how to search the Web for information or how to use a blog as part of your reflective learning
  • Set up a FaceBook study group/use FaceBook as a Reading Dossier – and tell others how…
  • Find educationalists on Twitter – follow their posts – read their websites – help other students to do the same.

 End of year Performance: Three Groups – Three Weeks – Three Great Shows

Across the year – in groups – you will plan, develop, produce and deliver an end of course performance (Weeks 25, 26, 27). Get as creative as you want. Devise theatre, music or dance productions. Devise a set of presentations or interactive workshops. Produce an art exhibition… Do anything that will engage, inform and entertain us; that connects to teaching, learning and/or assessment; and that challenges, stimulates and extends our thinking on what it means to become an inspiring, emancipatory educationalist.


Portfolio Components (30%):

Weeks: 3, 9, 15 formative assessment of logs and/or other portfolio items

Week 30 – final submission of at least three portfolio components (logs/blogs, reading record, digital artefact, Record of Year Performance notes) with brief commentary (30%)

Research Project (30%) – W19; W29:

  • Proposal 1000 words – week 19 (10%)
  • Report (and reference to Resource) 1000 words – week 29 (20%)

Essay 1500 words – week 30 (40%)

‘To what extent has the module ‘Becoming an Educationalist’ prepared you for the reality of becoming an educationalist? Justify your answer with reference to at least three aspects of or activities on the course.’