Becomingeducational_W28: The Essay

This is the essay blog!

First, we take you through a brainstorm – looking at the question in more depth – then we quickly recap what we have covered on the module and why…

This Wednesday we will have a whole class on the essay!!

Essay 1500 words – week 30 (40%)

‘To what extent has the module ‘Becoming an Educationalist’ prepared you for the reality of becoming an educationalist? Justify your answer with reference to at least three aspects of or activities on the course.’


What theories or beliefs underpin the module Becoming an Educationalist? Why? What is it trying to help you to become?

What is an educationalist? What do they do? What characteristics or attributes would it be helpful for an educationalist to have? What should they DO? What should they NOT DO? What theory or theorists would you refer to, to explain the sort of educationalist that you want to be?

What activities have you enjoyed the most from the module? Why? How has any one particular one prepared you for the reality of becoming an educationalist? What theory or theorists would you refer to, to argue for that activity?

What aspects of the module have you felt were useful or important for someone who is becoming an educationalist? Why? How has any one particular one prepared you for the reality of becoming an educationalist? What theory or theorists would you refer to, to argue for that aspect?

What other activity or aspect do you want to write about? Why? How has that particular one prepared you for the reality of becoming an educationalist? What theory or theorists would you refer to, to argue for that activity or aspect?

In conclusion – to what extent has the module ‘Becoming an Educationalist’ prepared you for the reality of becoming an educationalist? How do your three aspects of/or activities on the course demonstrate that?


Simulations & role play; Rich pictures; SLOW reading; IMD; Collage; TMD; Exhibitions & showcases; REAL Research; Free writing & peer review; Music w/shop; and Performance weeks; Group work; Digital stuff; Drawing to learn; Blogging to learn; Active learning; Question-based learning; Object-based learning; Project-based learning; Inquiry-based learning; Research-based learning; “Student as Producer”; Creativity in learning; and Critical thinking – all designed to develop Belonging; Self-efficacy/Self-esteem; Academic reading/writing; Peer Learning; Digital literacies and confidence; Active learning; and Heutagogy. Referencing Freire, Giroux, Thornburg, Jackson, Rogers, Illich, Dewey…



As you should have gathered by now, we hope that #becomingeducational has helped you to think more creatively about teaching, learning and assessment – so – if you want to attempt something more creative than a traditional written essay – we would be interested to hear from you – and see what you want to o and whether it could work!!

Good luck – and enjoy the assignments – Sandra & Tom


#becomingeducational W3: Post-apocalypse

Okay – so some of you are hiding under the desk in the opening ‘test’ – and some of the words had you holding your heads… But this form of instant revision is really important. If we do not revise what we are learning – we will forget 98% of it in just three weeks (see Tony Buzan Use Your Head)!!

Reprise – words and people to think about:

Dialogic versus dialectic




Topic Mediated Dialogue

Research METHOD

Jean Luc Nancy – ‘being with’

Bakhtin – dialogic.

This week’s people and ideas:

Hobbes – we are born in war

Rousseau – we are noble savages

Illich – we need to de-school society

Peter Elbow – freewrite – develop a writing habit

Role of drawing and/or collage in thinking and in research

Role of simulation and role play in teaching and learning

Role of education in society


Research methods

Literature Review.


Why oh why oh why do we have to do all that reading?

As students we join in a conversation about life, the universe and everything that has already started. These ideas – these people – have been useful in helping people think about education. Now it’s your turn to think about and discuss and write about and represent these ideas. So – How do they help you understand education and what it means to be a successful educationalist?

Post-apocalypse: world-building: W0, W5, W10

So – we emerged from our bunkers and we had to re-build the world – but how? we started by drawing our worlds on the table – and then building the worlds that we wanted to see… Take away questions from the activity:

  • What is the purpose of an Education System for a society?
  • What is the purpose of an Education System for an individual?
  • Whose interests do you think an Education System has to serve?
  • What education system or strategy would you put in place – and why?
  • If you had to sum up the ethos or values embraced by your perfect education strategy – what would they be?

On role plays and simulation: We like thinking about education through the medium of this role play/ simulation, centred around re-building the world post-apocalypse – BUT HOW WOULD YOU DO IT?

How would you ‘teach’ this topic – would you do it completely differently? Would you run a different simulation – or would you manage this simulation differently?

Research Project – Proposal – Methods

Many of you turned your table tops into ‘thinking art’ – with drawings, collage, notes… (and many of you used the drawings when you gave your presentations – do that again!!).  WELL – there you go – you have played with another potential RESEARCH METHOD!! Those collages – your drawings – that writing = another rich METHOD that you can consider using in your Research Project.

You might be noticing by now that there are links between creative teaching methods – and creative research methods. What helps students talk and think and be with each other in meaningful ways – also helps us to elicit meaningful or interesting information or data when we are conducting research.

Research project – Proposal – Literature Review

When we conduct research – we have to read what other people have written on the topic or issue or thing that we are researching. So – if you are researching notemaking – you have to find useful articles on the role of notemaking in learning OR on student attitudes to notemaking OR do Cornell Notes help students to learn> – and so on.

If you are going to research the role of creativity in education – here are a couple of cool resources on creative educational practices – read through to be inspired about your own future practice – your own final performance – and your research project.

This is by Norman Jackson (05) ‘Making Higher Education a more creative space’:;jsessionid=B0FB143CE14B222DFA96712CA782AEF6?sequence=1

This is entitled Innovating Pedagogy – produced by the Open University (2014):

This is a brand new up-to-date publication on the teacher’s role in educational innovation:

AND – if you want a big dollop of inspiration we, your tutors, are involved with this free open online course #creativeHE – which is happening right now – and even if you don’t feel you have the time to participate – you might want to browse through some of the activities, prompts and resources:


You will be asked to present information ‘multi-modally’ when you report back on your W5 explorations

W5 you will be exploring the university as a site or various sites of learning. You will be asked to present the information that you discover back to the whole class in a multi-modal exhibition in W7.

Multi-modal means using more than one ‘mode’ – where writing is a mode – drawing is a mode – collage is a mode etc. So as you used the table tops to draw and collage and write you were being multi-modal. With your re-presentations of your findings, we will ask you to be even more radical than that – try to enjoy the challenge!!

Each group has to present their findings in a different MODE – choose one that challenges you:

Comic book

Jigsaw puzzle

Pack of cards

Marvel Comic




Newspaper article

Memory envelope

Cabinet of curiosity

Short story

3D object

Pop Art


Something knitted or crocheted

Painting or drawing


Academic poster



First come first served!!

Confirm mode in W4 – at latest by W6.

More ways to show what you know:

Good luck – we are waiting to be blown away by your wonderful exhibits!!


Postscript: Writing

A big concern for most students is academic writing – producing essays and other assignments – being assessed and judged…

That is why we ask you to write a weekly blog – not just to torture you – not just to get you actively reflecting on your learning to make the learning conscious – but also to help you to get a writing habit – for that is the best way to get better at writing (see the work of Peter Elbow).

If you are really interested in developing your own writing why not use 750-words – and/or sign up for a WRITING MONTH: